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Substance use services

Everyone has had struggles, hurts, and habits that can hinder everyday life and can lead to homelessness.

Additionally, unaddressed addiction issues can keep an individual locked in homelessness.

St. Benedict’s operates a drug/alcohol-free facility that conducts drug testing and nightly Breathalyzer tests, which allow us to identify underlying barriers to self-sufficiency. Also, drug and Breathalyzer tests ensure our facility is safe and welcoming for men in recovery.

The shelter is not an inpatient treatment facility; however, St. Benedict’s promotes recovery through working relationships with local and statewide programs. Our relationships with many recovery centers allow us to circumvent waiting lists so our clients get faster treatment.

St. Benedict’s also encourages clients to attend self-help meetings, such as AA, NA, and Celebrate Recovery.

We offer these substance use services:

  • Drug and alcohol assessments
  • Treatment planning
  • Crisis interventions
  • Prevention plans
  • Sober living housing
  • Counseling
  • Inpatient treatment referrals
  • AA/NA meetings weekly