First, we thank our supporters, volunteers, and community partners for walking with us during this time. We pray God will show His mercy and grace through this worldwide crisis.
Community support is vital to St. Benedict’s. Without our army of faithful volunteers and donors, the nonprofit wouldn’t exist.
We have a financial need at this time. Extra expenses during COVID-19 have nearly wiped out the shelter’s reserve fund.
First, the virus forces the shelter to take extra precautions, such as deep cleaning, providing masks and hand sanitizers, and hand washing. Also, we have had to temporarily suspend volunteer hours to keep our army of volunteers safe during the pandemic.
Because our volunteers can’t perform their normal duties, our staff is working overtime to cover shifts, and that is taking a toll on our operating budget.
In addition, we use the Women and Families Facility as a “sick room” for all our shelters. This allows each agency to quarantine those who become infected and lowers the risk of transmitting COVID and other illnesses to clients and staff.
However, this action plan requires St. Benedict’s to fully staff a second facility 24 hours a day, which doubles our operating budget.
For these reasons, the nonprofit started a COVID Relief Fund. Please consider donating today!
Thank you for your past generosity. Be safe, practice social distancing, and keep following us for more updates.